Home>By Category>Masonry Joint Reinforcement>Truss Joint Reinforcement>180 Loop-Lok™ Truss Reinforcement
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180 Dub'l Loop-Lok™ Truss allows in-plane vertical and horizontal movement of masonry wythes while restraining tension and compression.
- Loops welded shut to maintain allowable tolerance and system integrity.
- Unlike horizontal eyelets, vertical loops will not clog with mortar as construction progresses.
- Loops extend one direction only to allow simple placement of insulation.
- 100% protection against separation of Wire Tie from reinforcement.
- Also available with the Seismiclip® Interlock System (#180 S.I.S.), suitable for seismic zones.
- Fabricated in conformance with ASCE/ACI 530 building code requirements for masonry structures and ASTM A 951 (standard specification for masonry joint reinforcement).
- Reinforcing for interior wythe can be STANDARD WEIGHT (9 ga side rods x 9 ga cross rods), EXTRA HEAVY (3/16" side rods x 9 ga Cross Rods), or SUPER HEAVY DUTY (3/16" side rods x 3/16" cross rods)
- Loops and Ties are 3/16" dia. standard.
- Mill Galvanized
- Hot Dip Galvanized
- Stainless Steel
- For Seismic Applications see: 180 S.I.S. Dub'l Loop-Lok™ Seismiclip® Interlock System, 180-BL Dub'l Loop-Lok™ with Byna-Lok™ Wire Tie
Veneer Cavity Wall Multi-Wythe
Hot-Dip GalvanizedType 304 - Stainless SteelType 316 - Stainless Steel (Special Order)
(S) Standard Weight: 9 Gauge Side Rods x 9 Gauge Cross Rods(EH) Extra Heavy: 3/16"Ø Side Rods x 9 Gauge Cross Rods(SHD) Super Heavy Duty: 3/16"Ø Side Rods x 3/16"Ø Cross Rods
Veneer Cavity Wall Multi-Wythe